
Rice Department at Daiei Sangyo

We meet customers’ needs by delivering products that are safe, secure, and of high quality.

We maintain a stable supply of safe, secure, and high-quality food ingredients from around the world. As an operator of the food business in general, we import and export a wide variety of food ingredients as well as sell them domestically, to be used in restaurants and food processing plants.

Main Suppliers
  • - Japan
  • - China
  • - Australia
  • - Vietnam
  • - Thailand
  • - Europe
Main Customers
  • - Confectionery manufacturers
  • - Processed food manufacturers
  • - Condiment manufacturers
  • - Restaurant chains
Main Merchandise


  • - Potato starch (produced in Japan and Europe)
  • - Sweet potato starch
  • - Corn starch
  • - Tapioca starch
  • - Varieties of processed starch

Wheat flour

  • - Wheat flour
  • - Wheat flour premix
  • - Wheat gluten

Rice flour

  • - Rice flour
  • - Rice flour premix

Ingredients of fermented products

  • - Ingredients of mirin
  • - Ingredients of sake
  • - Ingredients of fermented condiments
  • - Ingredients of alcoholic beverages (raw distilled alcohol, refined alcohol)

Other grains and beans

  • - Red beans (produced in Hokkaido, North America, etc.)
  • - Soy beans
Head Office 4-18 Honjin-tori, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi, 453-0041 Japan
(Google Map)
TEL+81-52-482-7235/FAX+81-52-482-7249 Visiting by carAbout 12 minutes (3 km) from Marunouchi IC exit, Nagoya Expressway
About 10 minutes (2.5 km) from Kasumori IC exit, Nagoya Expressway
Visiting by public transportAbout 8 minutes’ walk (500 m) from Honjin station (Subway Higashiyama Line)

Inquiry about our products

Food Department, Daiei Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd.